Research and Resources

From primary research to a curated collection of articles, our interactive database is a valuable tool for individuals and organizations to utilize to accelerate equity and leadership in the sector.

Self to Systems: Leading for Race Equity Impact

This Leadership Model is a tool to support individuals and organizations with core commitments, corresponding practices, and reflection questions that can create and sustain racially equitable experiences and outcomes within the social sector.

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Self to Systems: Leading for Race Equity Impact

Thriving Leaders & Communities (TLC) Report

The TLC report is a comprehensive study that illuminates conditions for thriving that we can cultivate and scale to allow individuals, organizations, and communities to flourish.

Download the Report
Thriving Leaders & Communities (TLC) Report

HERE to Listen Flipcards

The HERE to Listen conversation deck offers grantmakers and others in the philanthropic sector a suite of practices, examples, and prompts to foster reflection, encourage discussion, and define new ways to listen well to shift power.

Explore the Cards
HERE to Listen Flipcards

Reimagining Leadership Transitions Report

The Reimagining Leadership Transitions report seeks to
offer the field examples of how leaders of
color are intentionally, thoughtfully—and
successfully—navigating transitions.

Reimagining Leadership Transitions Report
Reimagining Leadership Transitions Report

Resource Type and Format

Initiatives and Programs

Resource Topics

August 28, 2024 We are excited to announce the release of the Thriving Leaders & Communities (TLC): Recommendations from Nonprofit Leaders of Color report in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. At ProInspire, we believe in seeding, cultivating, and investing in the future we env…
Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Uncategorized
Class is back in session! Join us for our free 2023 “Self to Systems” Learning Series! Through four 45-minute sessions in October and November, journey with ProInspire Director Namira Anani and additional guest hosts through our “Self to Systems” Leadership Model for Race E…
Blog, Thriving Leaders and Communities, Uncategorized
by Monica Biswas and Rosie Aquila Monica and Rosie have partnered on the design and facilitation for three of ProInspire’s team-based cohorts. These reflections and learnings stemmed from their experiences, observations, and feedback from participants in these programs. April 20, 2023 ProInsp…
Blog, Thriving Leaders and Communities, Uncategorized
ProInspire Exploring How We Step Towards Organizational Resilience by Ashley Bernal March 31, 2023 “Give Light and People Will Find the Way” – Ella Josephine Baker In my experience as a social scientist and advocate for racial justice, I’ve observed that racial equity is ana…
Blog, ProInspire Board, Uncategorized
by Bianca Anderson and Monisha Kapila January 17, 2023 Since publishing our Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact in 2021, our work has centered around supporting organizations and leaders with embodying practices that accelerate race equity in both outcomes and experience within their organizatio…
Blog, ProInspire Board, Uncategorized
ProInspire Director Monica Biswas shares insights from her work with organizations this year. She explores 5 elements she has observed across thriving organizations. Enjoy the third blog installment in our Thrive Through the Season and into 2023 campaign. In terms of commitment, thriving organizatio…
Blog, ProInspire Board, Uncategorized
In the following Q&A conversation below, our Board Co-Chair Nancy Withbroe explores how the core commitment of Centering Relationships helps to guide board governance at ProInspire and shares tips around how other boards can use this core commitment. This is the second blog installment in our Th…
Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Uncategorized
About Leading Systems for Race Equity Impact At the core of leading systems is a commitment to collective reimagining by taking the risk to envision and pursue together what is possible beyond what any one individual or organization knows or has experienced. It requires deeply understanding two prim…
Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Uncategorized
About Centering Relationships for Race Equity Impact At the core of leading people is a commitment to centering relationships by prioritizing people over productivity and cultivating a culture of belonging that supports authenticity. It requires building trust and honoring the experiences of others …
Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Uncategorized
About Leading Self for Race Equity Impact At the core of leading self is a commitment to exploring identity by devoting time to an ongoing practice rooted in self-awareness and self-compassion. It acknowledges the importance of understanding not just our own identity and lived experiences, but also …
Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Uncategorized
Now that you’ve downloaded our Self to Systems publication, it’s time to explore what’s core to our Leadership Model. Class is in session! Join us for our Lunch and Learn Core Commitment series. We’re serving up tools to help you learn, adopt, engage, and better understand the four core …
Education, Leadership & Management Practices
By Megan Grimaldi, PNLC member As we step out cautiously into the world again, in the midst of what seems like a never-ending cycle of crises, I hope that we maintain this renewed appreciation for and commitment to creating equitable communities that grew out of the pain of the last two years. In Au…
Blog, ProInspire Staff,
ProInspire’s AAPI staff opens up and answers how their racial identity and lived experience shaped their leadership. I identified most strongly with my Asian identity until witnessing 9/11 as someone with the last name of Islam. Namira Islam Anani, Director In order to lead forward, I’ve found I…
Blog, Competency Model, Competency Model, Education, Leadership & Management Practices, Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Leading for Equity, Race Equity,
“At ProInspire, we have been creating space for people to share their individual experience, and then understand it through the eyes of a collective.“ At ProInspire, we took the last few weeks of December to reflect on what we did and learned through our work in 2021. As an organiza…
Blog, Competency Model, Competency Model, Education, Leadership & Management Practices, Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact, Leading for Equity, Race Equity,
“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”– Brené Brown Advancing racial equity within organizations builds upon the work of “Leading Self” and “Leading…

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