Tool and Resource
Self to Systems: Leading for Race Equity Impact
This Leadership Model is a tool to support individuals and organizations with core commitments, corresponding practices, and reflection questions that can create and sustain racially equitable experiences and outcomes within the social sector.
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Research Report
Thriving Leaders & Communities (TLC) Report
The TLC report is a comprehensive study that illuminates conditions for thriving that we can cultivate and scale to allow individuals, organizations, and communities to flourish.
Download the Report
Tool and Resource
HERE to Listen Flipcards
The HERE to Listen conversation deck offers grantmakers and others in the philanthropic sector a suite of practices, examples, and prompts to foster reflection, encourage discussion, and define new ways to listen well to shift power.
Explore the Cards
Reimagining Leadership Transitions Report
The Reimagining Leadership Transitions report seeks to
offer the field examples of how leaders of
color are intentionally, thoughtfully—and
successfully—navigating transitions.