ProInspire named a 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit by GreatNonprofits
January 9, 2019

Happy 2019! We are starting this year by sharing some exciting news from last month: for the fourth consecutive year, ProInspire was named a Top-Rated Nonprofitby Great Nonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of nonprofits and charitable groups. The annual award is based on the rating and number of reviews received from program participants, donors, and others involved in our work.
“We are honored to be named a 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit,” said Monisha Kapila, ProInspire’s Founder and CEO. “It’s especially gratifying because it’s based on positive feedback from our community. The recognition that our work is having a real impact on leaders at all levels across the social sector is inspiring and motivating.”
GreatNonprofits is the leading website where people share stories about their personal experiences on more than 1.6 million nonprofits and charitable groups. The GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards are the only awards for nonprofits determined by those who have direct experience with the charities – as donors, volunteers and program beneficiaries.
The complete list of 2018 Top Rated Nonprofits can be found at: