The Catalyst Collective

Supporting BIPOC Senior Leaders and Executives

Catalyst Collective for BIPOC Senior Leaders & Executives

how the catalyst collective and supporting executives of color supports the entire nonprofit sector. self: self-care as community care -> people: connecting community -> organizations: radical equity and organizational sustainability -> systems: generating collective power

The Catalyst Collective is a community of practice designed to support BIPOC leaders as they navigate the professional and structural challenges that leading nonprofit organizations often create. Our community of practice prioritizes holistic well-being, shifting organizational culture, and sustainability. Leaders also create meaningful connections and build shared power to advocate for tangible changes that will foster a more supportive and sustainable experience for BIPOC leaders.

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Program Impact


agreed the program “helped disrupt isolation”


strongly agreed the program “supported mitigating burnout”


“would recommend to peers”

About Catalyst Collective

The Catalyst Collective is made up of two cohorts of 10 leaders, drawn from our partnership with Kresge Foundation’s Arts and Culture & Human Services grantees. You can read more about our two Catalyst Collective cohorts below.

Create a space to heal, nurture their leadership style, create a self-care practice, and share knowledge

Shift organizational culture, foster belonging and navigate the current political and social Climate

Build financially sustainable institutions and generate collective power to address racial inequities within the nonprofit sector

Social sector organizations must holistically invest in and support the leadership of People of Color because Black Lives Matter. From boardrooms, classrooms and in communities, our lives matter and so does our leadership. 

We live and work within a world that structurally devalues and dehumanizes Black, Indigenous and People of Color physically and psychologically in a multitude of ways. Therefore organizations who are working to create a better world- a world free of systemic racism, must wholeheartedly invest in the well-being and leadership of People of Color who lead nonprofit organizations, this investment is essential if organizations desire to create real structural change.”

Bianca Anderson

Bianca Anderson, Co-CEO & Catalyst Collective Designer

Collective Voices:
Celebrating the Release of Our First Zine

The zine elevates the voices, dreams, desires, and expertise of the Catalyst Collective. We highlight major learnings and program takeaways that members of the Catalyst Collective believe are important to share with their peers and the sector more broadly around collective power and shifting systemic norms.

Thank You to Program Partner Kresge Foundation

This inaugural cohort is made possible with the support of the Kresge Foundation’s Arts and Culture & Human Services teams.

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