Michael Cusenza
Kiva.org, Community Support Coordinator
Michael currently works with Kiva.org as the Community Support Coordinator where he helps manage communication efforts between Kiva and Kiva’s lending community. His interest in Microfinance and Economic Development stems from his international travels where he observed vast economic disparities between regions of the world. After graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in Economics, he put his passion to the test and spent time assisting Ecuadorian farmers in the foothills of the Andes Mountains as well as impoverished communities in Northern Peru. Since then, Michael has committed his professional career to financial empowerment and business development within low and moderate income communities. Recently, he worked for the Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corp. where he assisted Minority and Women owned businesses gain access to government funding and licensing. More recently, Michael spent time working with Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners in New York City. While there, he partnered with Credit Unions to help provide financial education and access to capital to individuals and small businesses. After returning to the Bay Area a few years ago, Michael is excited to join the ProInspire’s 2013 Bay Area Fellows class.