Kinsey Holloway

Internship Advisor, The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars

Kinsey Holloway is an Internship Advisor for The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars, where she works with a team of advisors to counsel their interns to leverage their campus involvement, internships, and transferable skills to land their DC internship. Her role is to ensure that each student is placed in an internship and prepared for an immersive academic internship program. In this role Kinsey wears many hats, including advising students, focusing on how to retain and impact student enrollment, or managing day-to-day operations for her department. The common thread through all of her work is her passion for creating educational spaces and learning experiences for students.

Kinsey has lived in Washington, D.C. for nearly 5 years. She has volunteered with PFLAG and YNPNdc and recently started a book club. She enjoys reading about organizational development & leadership and considers herself a foodie, whether she’s cooking up a creative dish or perusing DC’s restaurant scene. She also enjoys boot camp, yoga, and pampering her dog Leopold.

Kinsey is a proud buckeye and graduate of Ohio State University. She earned her Masters in Student Affairs and Higher Education from Colorado State University.

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