Bernadette Downey

Share Our Strength

Bernadette Downey is the Senior Manager, Advocacy for Share Our Strength‚ No Kid Hungry campaign. In this role, she is responsible for engaging No Kid Hungry partners to advance state public policies that will connect kids with healthy food, every day, and leading No Kid Hungry‚ advocacy efforts with the nation‚ governors and state legislative bodies. Prior to joining Share Our Strength, Bernadette managed local, state, and federal government relations at Food & Friends, a Metro DC nonprofit that provides medically appropriate home-delivered meals to individuals living with life-challenging illnesses. Bernadette also represented a range of education, health, and social service nonprofits on federal issues before Congress while at Russ Reid, a private lobbying firm. Bernadette received her BA in Sociology from The Catholic University of America and a MA in Government from The Johns Hopkins University. She currently lives and works in Malvern, Pennsylvania with her husband, Ryan, and hound dog, June.

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