Grace Katabaruki

Grace Katabaruki is a Principal at Venture Philanthropy Partners, where she plays a key role in supporting Partners in the Investment Practice team to select, execute, and monitor investments. Grace comes to VPP from Ka Po’e Hana LLC, a wealth management company, where she was Special Assistant to the controller and managed a variety of accounting and administrative projects for senior staff. Prior to this role, she served in several Congressional offices, including those of Senator Jack Reed, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Congressman John Lewis. As a legislative assistant to Senator Reed, Grace’s portfolio included housing policy, and she spearheaded the conception, drafting, and introduction of comprehensive anti-foreclosure legislation. Previously, Grace taught for five years at Washington, D.C.’s Maret School, where she was awarded the Thomas Prize for Teachers New to Teaching. She received a Master of Public Policy from Georgetown University and was selected as one of the inaugural Pablo Eisenberg Public Interest Fellows. She also graduated, cum laude, from Harvard College.

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