Karina Vazquez

Karina Vazquez was born on July 19, 1983 in Mexico City. Karina was raised in a town in Estado de Mexico, Mexico; the daughter of Mexican parents. At the age of 14 years old, Karina started working full time while going to school in Mexico City. Despite the time spend during work she graduated school with honors and earned a Scholarship to continue high school in Mexico; however, at age 15, Karina started living in the United States to dedicate her time to studies. At age 18, while attending full time school and full time work, Karina started working as a Plant Manager Assistant where she gained new skills on several company aspects. IN 2007, Karina graduated from the University of Phoenix with a B.S. Degree in Accounting. Karina is currently working as an Accounting Manager for a nonprofit company called First Place for Youth.

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