Introducing 2012 ProInspire Fellow: Christine Lai


2012 ProInspire Fellow Christine LaiName: Christine Lai
Hometown: Chino, CA
Organization: Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy
Previous Employer: Elite Meetings International

What inspired you to make the switch into the nonprofit sector?
I have been very fortunate to work with incredible for-profit companies, but something inside me was unfulfilled. I volunteered in various organizations since high school and always admired and was inspired by the people who worked with non-profits. Last year, I took a sabbatical from work to reevaluate and realign my passion for making a difference and positively impacting society. I love business and entrepreneurship, but also wanted to learn more about the non-profit sector and how my knowledge and skills can be translated into more meaningful work. I hope to discover more synergies where the two (for-profit and non-profit) combine to both do good and do well.

What is your current position, and a typical day like?
I am currently a Marketing Manager at the Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools For Public Policy. A typical day starts at one of our three campuses, and begins with checking e-mail and our social media sites. Depending on the time of year – the focus of work can range from community outreach events to public relations to student/teacher recruitment.

Since the school year is about to kick off again in a couple weeks, we are updating our website and putting together a calendar of events and marketing/public relations initiatives for the coming year.

Where did you work prior to making the switch?
Elite Meetings International, a hospitality marketing and technology company that brings together meeting professionals and hospitality providers.

What is your professional background and areas of expertise?
My professional background is in hospitality/sports marketing and operations. Most of my experience has been in roles involving business development, events, and marketing/communications.

What are you involved in outside of work?
I serve on the Advisory Council of 85 Broads, a global women’s network whose mission is to generate exceptional professional and social value for its members. With the new move to D.C., I am exploring other organizations to get involved in. Extracurricular wise, I love discovering new food and music (and working out to balance the love for food!).

Tell us about your past leadership experiences and how they are helping you in your current role.
My last leadership role at a start-up company gave me many opportunities to develop and learn in a variety of areas – branding, communications, marketing, public relations – that will hopefully translate successfully into my current marketing role. Being in a start-up environment also fosters creative thinking and instills the mentality of getting things done with limited resources.

After graduating from college, I was selected as a founding staff member and leadership fellow at the University of California, Merced. The opportunity to open a university and serve in a leadership role was so awesome, but also very challenging. Creating, developing, and implementing new programs to serve students and the university’s constituents will definitely help in my role with the Chavez Schools.

What blogs or websites do you read on a daily basis?
Some favorite resources/sites are The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Education Next, Entrepreneur, FastCompany, Forbes, GOOD, Inc., NewSchools Venture Fund, NextBillion, Social Edge, TED…the list fluctuates and I don’t read them all on a daily basis. I also absorb a lot of great information from colleagues and friends.

What book are you reading right now or what is your favorite book?
I am finishing Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie, Founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS Shoes and starting Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving And Our World by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen.

Where else have you lived?
Depending on how you define “lived”…I’ve lived out of my suitcase for the past 7 years, traveling mainly for work (but squeezing in some leisure time too!). Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, CA is where I spent most of my time between traveling (and swapping suitcases).

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